
This is part of my daily facial routine. It is very quick to use and the texture is so soft and creamy. First I rub the Cleanser all over my face I then rinse a cloth with warm water and then polish the cream off my face. I repeat this procedure and then splash cold water on my face. I can honestly say that my skin feels less oily, much softer and cleaner.
Surprisingly, my mum even used this product as a paint remover! It all goes back to me and my brother who were naughty little kids. We started playing with paint while it was left outside as everyone in the house was unpacking. My mum then released we were covered in paint and tried scrubbing us to near death! Nothing seemed to work until she reluctantly used this beloved product and It worked miracles. The only disappointment was that she ran out and had to order more. This can be pricy!
I would definitely urge you to buy this product. Not only do I feel refreshed and squeaky clean but also the product is made of natural ingredients which is better for skin health.
Interested? http://uk.lizearle.com/cleanse-tone-moisturise/cleanse-and-polish-hot-cloth-cleanser.html
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